Joan Fuster -eng-

Joan Fuster i Ortells died in Sueca (Ribera Baixa) on June 21, 1992. Valencian writer in Catalan, considered one of the most important essayists in Catalan of the twentieth century, his best known work, “Nosaltres el valencians”, (awarded the Lletra d’Or Prize in 1963), a book in which he proposes the “national reconstruction” of the … Read more

“Sugar Blues” (William Dufty)

Sugar Blues de William Dufty, published in 1975, and with over 1,600,000 copies sold it has become a classic. With irrefutable scientific data. It sets out a historical journey through the origin, economic dependence, metabolic degeneration, interests, etc., that refined sugar produced and is producing. Sugar, refined sucrose, is produced by a multiple chemical process … Read more

“Sugar Blues”

Sugar Blues de William Dufty, publicat al 1975, i amb més de 1.600.000 copies venudes ha esdevingut un clàssic. Amb dades científiques irrefutables. Planteja un recorregut històric per l’origen, dependència econòmica, degeneració metabòlica, interessos, etc, que va produir i està produint el sucre refinat. El sucre, sacarosa refinada, es produïda  per un procés químic múltiple … Read more

L'Agonia de l'Eros

L’agonia de l’Eros

A “L’agonia del Eros” Byung-Chul Han, escriptor i doctor en filosofia, d’origen Coreà, professor de Filosofia i Estudis culturals de la Universitat de les Arts de Berlín presenta un assaig on diagnostica la desaparició de la seducció en una societat sotmesa l’acceleració i l’instant. Identifica els mals d’aquesta època hipermoderna (depressió, narcisisme, sentiment de culpa, … Read more

L'Agonia de l'Eros

The agony of Eros

In “The Agony of Eros” Byung-Chul Han, writer and doctor of philosophy, born in Korean, professor of Philosophy and Cultural Studies at the University of the Arts in Berlin presents an essay diagnosing the disappearance of seduction in a society subjected to acceleration and instant. He identifies the ills of this hypermodern era (depression, narcissism, … Read more

“”The Olive”

A wonderful post courtesy of Arsetflora about a filme from Iciar Bollaín. “Sometimes you have to jump headfirst and people help you along the way “, the sentence come from the movie “El Olivo”, (“The Olive”, available only in spanish) a fictional story by Iciar Bollaín that approaches the environmental issue in which he portrays … Read more