

Herodotus, born in Halicarnassus, was a Greek historian and geographer who lived between 484 and 425 a. C. and is considered like the father of History in the western world. The "Histories" is considered one of the basic works of history in Western literature. It stands out because it is ...
Seneca the younger

Seneca the Younger

Lucius Anneus Seneca, known as Seneca or Seneca the Younger (Cordoba, 4 a.C. - Roma, 65) was a writer, stoic philosopher, politician and playwright, in this case Greek but Roman. He de facto ruled the Roman Empire for 8 years as Nero's guardian and according to the emperor Trajan these ...

Diogenes of Sinope

Diogenes of Sinope, also known as Diogenes the Cynic, or Diogenes the dog, fully identified with dogs and said, "Other dogs only bite their enemies, while I also bite my friends in order to save them." The same concept that Nietzsche expressed in the sentence, "May your friend also be ...
El Zen y el arte del mantenimiento de la motocicleta

El Zen y el arte del mantenimiento de la motocicleta

"La natura no fa trampes i les seves respostes mai són irrellevants." "Tot i que la qualitat no pugui ser definida, sabem què és la Qualitat!" "L'habilitat principal és tractar de no perdre's" "... l’únic zen que trobeu al cim de les muntanyes és el que porteu allà dalt..." "Si ...