State of the World's Plants and Fungi 2023

State of the World’s Plants and Fungi 2023

De la mateixa manera que els nostres primers avantpassats necessitaven saber què creix on per a la seva pròpia supervivència, les plantes i els fongs necessiten que sabem on creixen, per permetre-nos salvaguardar la seva existència continuada per a les generacions futures. Just as our early ancestors needed to know ...
"The plant messiah"

“The plant messiah”

A love story for plants. "The Plant Messiah" is the nickname given to Carlos Magdalena, an asturian who, from an early age, was attracted to the world of plants. However, it was not until he was 28 that he began training and working as a botanical horticulturist, eventually becoming one ...
"El mesías de las plantas"

“El mesías de las plantas”

Una història d’amor per les plantes. "El mesías de las plantas" es el malnom que li varen posar a en Carlos Magdalena un asturià que, i des de ben menut es va sentir atret per el món de les plantes. Malgrat tot, no va ser fins els 28 anys que ...
The Plant Messiah

The Plant Messiah

"The Plant Messiah". Adventures in search of the World's rarest Species. Carlos Magdalena, tropical botanical horticulturist at RBG Kew, dedicated to saving and conserving endangered plants. One of the extraordinary stories told by Magdalena in her book is that of the brown coffee plant, Ramosmania rodriguesii, a native of Rodrigues ...