Manifeste du Tiers paysage

Tiers paysage

El “Manifeste du Tiers paysage” by Gilles Clément was published in French in 2004 and has become a key text for understanding contemporary landscaping.
Other books by the author are available in English

industry, or tourism in the city, produce as much residual space as agriculture in the countryside. Thus, if in nature it is the relief – the places of difficult access -, that contributes to the maintenance of the diversity, in the urbanism they are the lands in the wait, those that become refuge of species that do not they find their space nowhere else.

Clément criticizes the practices with which we standardize the savage and vindicates the conservation of the spaces of spontaneous nature other people’s to the economic and political power.

Some detailed reviews in the articles of YorokobuTercer paisaje: los hierbajos del asfalto salvarán el planeta” and the Alejandro Ortega blog AODpaisajes.

Inspired by the book there is also an excellent photografic work by María Azkarate.

More books about flora and fauna in “Green books” section.

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